Selasa, 26 Maret 2019

Learning about in the future

Learning about the future in fifth grade
Topic                         : Predicting what will happen
Lesson Objective.   : Talking about what people think will or won't happen

Learning about the profesions:
1. Postman              : Tukang pos
2. Teacher.               : Guru
3. Chef.                     : Ahli masak
4. Pillot                     : Pilot
5. Doctor.                 : Dokter
6. Designer              : Perancang busana
7. Surgeon.              : Ahli bedah
8. Hair stylest.         : Penata rambut
9. Soldier.                 : Tentara
10. Movie director  : Sutradara

This is example sentece using the profesions with asking dan questions.
a.  What do you think he' ll be?
      I think he 'll be a hair stylist
b.  What do you think she ' ll be?
      I think she 'll be a teacher
c.  What do you think he 'll be?
      I think he 'll be a chef

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