Kamis, 26 Maret 2020

Grade : 1 D
Material : Things in the classroom (LAB) 

Tiga materi athings in the classroom
Materi ini di bagi menjadi:
1. Things in the school bag (Barang atau benda di dalam tas)
2. Things in the classroom (Barang atau benda di dalam kelas)
3. Room in the school (Ruangan di sekolah)
 Untuk pelajaran hari ini akan dibahas Things in the classroom (Barang atau benda didalam kelas)  
Pada materi ini siswa akan mengetahui nama benda atau barang yang ada di dalam kelas mereka beserta terjemahannya.
1. Air - conditioner= pendingin ruangan
2. Bell = bel
3. Blackboard = papan tulis hitam
4. Bookshelf = rak buku
5. Chair = kursi
6. Computer komputer
7. Cupboard =lemari
8. Desk = meja
9. Duster = penghapus
10. Fan = kipas angin
11. Globe = globe
12. Map = Peta
13. Noticeboard =mading
14. Screen = Layar untuk proyektor
15. Whiteboard = papan tulis putih.

Silakan dibaca dan dipahami kosa kata yang ada di atas, setelah itu kerjakan latihan di bawah ini! 
Arrange the jumble words into correct sentence! 
1. This - noticeboard - is - a
2. Is - blackboard - it - a
3. It - a - cupboard - is 
4. A - computer - is - this
5. Bookshelf - it - is - a

Selamat mengerjakan, "Good Luck"😊

Grade : 3 C,  E
Material : Kisi - kisi PTS

1. Father and mother is my....
2. Is - my - Mr. Andi - granfather
    The correct order is..
3. Mr.  Reno has daughter.  Her name is Ria.  Mr.  Reno is Ria's...
4. Mention five member of family!
5 Vegetables in Indonesia is......
6. Mention five of the vegetables!
7. Carrot - very - Asti - like
    The correct order is.....
8. Mention five the part of the body!
9. Mention five sense!
10. It is ten o'clock ( draw the clock!)

Selamat mengerjakan,  Good Luck! 😊

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