Rabu, 23 September 2020

 Teaching Grade 4

Class 4 D,E,F

                             Materi Ajar
Satuan Pendidikan:SD Al Azhar 2 Lampung
Kelas/Semester : 4/1
Tema : School Subject
Pembelajaran ke: 18

Tujuan Pembelajaran: Siswa dapat memahami Countable and Uncountable noun

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good morning students..
How are you today?
I' m sorry we can't meet in the school today, but we can still study together by online.
Don't forget to pray duha first in this morning and have your breakfast.
Stay healthy and safe student😊

Today we are going to learn about Countable and Uncountable noun.

 Note :
1. Kerjakan tugas di buku modul task 6, page 15 - 16
2. Foto/video dikirim melalui wa Bu guru
Terima kasih atas kerjasama nya Ayah/Bunda😊

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